About 2 weeks ago, I was randomly searching for werewolf related stuff, as one does. One thing led to another, and I found myself on David Naughton‘s Instragram, where I saw he was going to be at a convention called ‘Pensacon‘. To my surprise, the convention wasn’t too far away! Thus, I decided to drive to Pensacola, FL, for an impromptu day trip.
To say I was star-struck would be an understatement. You know that feeling of massive butterflies in your stomach you get when your anxiety is going through the roof? Hands sweaty, mom’s spaghetti? Well, approaching David, THE O.G. WEREWOLF in my life, I was sweating profusely. I was hoping there would be others in front of me so that I could psych myself up, but there were none. David almost immediately acknowledged me. As I looked at him, all my anxiety melted into pure adrenaline. I started blabbing on about how much I admired ‘An American Werewolf in London,’ how much I had dreamed of meeting him one day, and the fact I drove 6 hours on a whim to meet him. I don’t really remember everything I said to him, but I know I could have talked on and on forever. The night before the convention, I printed the perfect screenshot of him transforming in AWIL, but David had a much better production photo at his table that I had him sign instead.

Getting to meet David Naughton would have been 100% the drive. However, unbeknownst to me, Renée Witterstaetter was also at the con! She was the editor for the John Bryne‘s run of She-Hulk in the 90s. Some of you may recognize the cover of Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 #34.

I was lucky enough to have this poster and another signed by Renée at the convention. Both of which are now prominently displayed on my wall.
Although it was super crowded and the food court ran out of hamburgers, I had a fantastic time at the con. I will say, though, that their dealers’ den is way too small for a con with over 30,000 attendees. A super nice bonus on my trip was also getting to visit a Buc-ee‘s I had not been to before. If you can, make sure you stop by one; they are very much worth a visit ♥